My world and welcome to it!
This is a picture that I made using Microsoft
Picture It !!!!! I did this all by myself. I had no help of any
kind. You can make stuff like this too. It was really very
easy. Here's how:
- The first thing you need to do is go out and pick up Picture
It! which should be easy enough to do since there are lots of places that sell it.
- The next thing you will need to do is go through the quick
tutorial. It was a piece of cake and really very informative. I learned what I
learned by going through the quick introductory tour and watching the movies.
- Next, make sure you have some of your own bitmaps, GIF's or
JPEG's to practice with. If you don't have any, get some pictures scanned.
You will have much more fun practicing with content you care about, and besides you will
actually make something you would be proud to email to a friend or put on your web page.
- Feel free to use text. Even if your message is not
clear at first, it will take form as you work on your project.
- Lastly, do not be afraid to experiment. Try something
out, if you want to know what it will do. Just make sure you have a version of your
project saved *before* you try out the feature. This will save you
some heartache, since you do not want to do 14 good steps, and lose it all on the 15th
That's really all there is to it! The most important
thing to do (other than saving your file whenever you like the way it looks or before you
try something new) is to have fun. Your project will look much better if you have
fun creating it than if you don't.