Speaking of gratuitous plugs, this site certainly does not need my recommendation, but jeez, I've spent so much of my time there I figured I owed them some kind of rent. Thanks mucho, and a tip of the doubling die to Bikey, who introduce me to this site over two and a half years ago. Thanks, and I hope some of the sites if shown you have been as fun for you as this one has been for me, Bikey! I like 3D graphics games (thanks, Rod, for getting me into this stuff), and one of the best sites for general information about hardware required to play this stuff, patches, downloads, and reviews of various products related to the topic of 3D gaming is the Adrenaline Vault. Look at my ex-wife's nephew's reviews of games here. He writes so well and I am so proud!!! If you want to look at the whole site, go to the top frame or click here |